James Ross-Munro and Kane Wiblen appeared on Channel Nine’s the Today Show on Monday after video of them confronting thieves trying to rob an Oporto restaurant on Friday night went viral.
The hilarious TV interview left hosts Karl Stefanovic and Lisa Wilkinson in stitches of laughter with Stefanovic claiming it was quite possibly the highlight of his career.
“We’d been down at the local tavern for a ‘stubbies and singlets’ party and got dropped off by a mate up the road and thought we’d walk down to the servo to get some noodles when I tripped over a sign and busted ma plugger’ James told the breakfast hosts who burst into a fit of laughter while mumbling “that’s so Australian”.
“I was pretty concerned about the blowout I had, and then looked up and saw a white commodore pull up with two blokes with shirts across their faces and thought well that’s a bit suss so better go and check it out,” he continued.
When asked whether he goes to the gym because of his guns in the viral video, James gave the most Aussie response ever.
“Mate I don’t go to the gym, haven’t been to the gym in years. The only gym I go to is Jim Beam, that’s about it.”
When Stefanovic heard that the local fishing team, the Mootdangers would be replacing James’ broken pluggers, Karl Stefanovic really lost it, fist pump and all.
“It doesn’t get any better! Righto folks, that’s our show for the year.”
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