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Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Worst WA suburbs for theft insurance claims revealed

The Perth suburbs of Bassendean, Beechboro and Thornlie have the highest claim rates for break-ins with one of Western Australia's biggest insurers, the RAC.
The insurance company said the three suburbs recorded the most number of claims from its customers last year for the loss of property in burglaries.
Morley, Duncraig, Canning Vale, Hamilton Hill and Gosnells were also high on the list.
RAC home claims manager Glen Walker said a higher than average burglary rate did not necessarily drive up the cost of insurance premiums for residents and business owners.
"The data itself doesn't influence insurance premiums, there are a number of rating factors that insurance companies use to judge what a premium will be," he said.
"The rate of burglaries is just a small component of that.
"There is a fair mix of suburbs in there and certainly a variety of different town sites as well.
"The police have their own data but generally that data will align suburb by suburb as to what RAC has."
The Goldfields city of Boulder had the highest number of insurance claims for burglaries in regional WA.
Carey Park, South Bunbury, Northam and Australind were also listed in the regional top five.
Rangeway was number one the last time the RAC released its data in 2009.
"We've seen Rangeway being one of the top suburbs in our previous review, but Rangeway has now made in roads and it's certainly not the worst regional suburb anymore; it's moved to number 17," Mr Walker said.
He said the data should serve as a reminder for people not to be complacent when securing their homes and businesses.
"Lock it up, don't make it easy for the average offender to enter your home," he said.
"Unfortunately with the lifestyle we enjoy in Western Australia - entertaining out in the backyard with the barbecue - we tend to be relaxed with security.
"There's opportunist thieves that will enter through the unlocked front door."
Waroona, in WA's South West, is the town with the least number of insurance claims for break-ins.
Highest insurance claims in Perth
1.    Bassendean, Beechboro, Thornlie
2.    Morley
3.    Duncraig
4.    Canning Vale, Hamilton Hill
5.    Gosnells
6.    Spearwood
7.    Armadale
8.    Rockingham
9.    Baldivis, Port Kennedy
10.  Ballajura
Highest insurance claims in regional WA
1.    Boulder
2.    Carey Park
3.    South Bunbury
4.    Northam
5.    Australind
6.    South Kalgoorlie
7.    Kalgoorlie
8.    East Bunbury
9.    Dalyellup
10.  Piccadilly

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